Criticality accident

A criticality accident, sometimes referred to as an excursion or a power excursion, is an accidental increase of nuclear chain reactions in a fissile material, such as enriched uranium or plutonium. This releases a surge of neutron radiation which is highly dangerous to humans and causes induced radioactivity in the surroundings.

Critical or supercritical nuclear fission (one that is sustained in power or increasing in power) generally occurs inside reactor cores and occasionally within test environments. A criticality accident occurs when a critical reaction is achieved unintentionally. Although dangerous, typical criticality accidents cannot reproduce the design conditions of a fission bomb, so nuclear explosions do not occur. The heat released by the nuclear reaction will typically cause the fissile material to expand, so that the nuclear reaction becomes subcritical again within a few seconds.

In the history of atomic power development, sixty criticality accidents have occurred in collections of fissile materials outside nuclear reactors and some of these have resulted in death, by radiation exposure, of the nearest person(s) to the event. However, none has resulted in explosions.[1]



Criticality occurs when too much fissile material is in one place. Criticality can be achieved by using metallic uranium or plutonium or by mixing compounds or liquid solutions of these elements. The isotopic mix, the shape of the material, the chemical composition of solutions, compounds, alloys, composite materials, and the surrounding materials all influence whether the material will go critical, i.e., sustain a chain reaction.

The calculations that predict the likelihood of a material going into a critical state can be complex, so both civil and military installations that handle fissile materials employ specially trained personnel to monitor operations and prevent criticality accidents.

Accident types

Criticality accidents are divided into one of two categories:


  1. Prompt Criticality Excursion
  2. Transient Criticality Excursion
  3. Exponential Excursion
  4. Steady State Excursion


Since 1945 there have been at least 60 criticality accidents. These have caused at least 21 deaths: seven in the United States, ten in the Soviet Union, two in Japan, one in Argentina, and one in Yugoslavia. Nine have been due to process accidents, with the remaining from research reactor accidents.[1]

Criticality accidents have occurred both in the context of nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors.

Observed effects

Blue glow

Many criticality accidents have been observed to emit a blue flash of light and to heat the material substantially. This blue flash or "blue glow" is often incorrectly attributed to Cherenkov radiation, most likely due to the very similar color of the light emitted by both of these phenomena. This is merely a coincidence.

The blue glow of a criticality accident results from the spectral emission of the excited ionized atoms (or excited molecules) of air (mostly oxygen and nitrogen) falling back to unexcited states, which happens to produce an abundance of blue light. This is also the reason electrical sparks in air, including lightning, appear electric blue. It is a coincidence that the color of Cherenkov light and light emitted by ionized air are a very similar blue despite their very different methods of production. It is worth remarking that the smell of ozone was said to be a sign of high ambient radioactivity by Chernobyl liquidators.

The only situation where Cherenkov light may contribute a significant amount of light to the blue flash is where the criticality occurs in a dense medium, such as underwater or in a solution such as uranyl nitrate in a reprocessing plant, and this would be visible only if the container were open or transparent.

Heat effects

Some people reported feeling a "heat wave" during a criticality event.[26][27] It is not known, however, whether this may be a psychosomatic reaction to the terrifying realization of what has just occurred, or if it is actually a physical effect of heating (or nonthermal stimulation of heat sensing nerves in the skin) due to energy emitted by the criticality event. For instance, while the accident which occurred to Louis Slotin (a yield excursion of around 3×1015 fissions) would have only deposited enough energy in the skin to raise its temperature by fractions of a degree, the energy instantly deposited in the plutonium sphere would have been around 80 kJ; sufficient to raise a 6.2 kg sphere of plutonium by around 100°C (specific heat of Pu being 0.13 J·g−1·K−1). The metal would therefore have reached sufficient temperature to have been detected a very short distance away by its emitted thermal radiation. This explanation thus appears inadequate as an explanation for the thermal effects described by victims of criticality accidents, since people standing several feet away from the sphere also reported feeling the heat. It is also possible that the sensation of heat is simply caused by the nonthermal damage done to tissue on the cellular level by the ionization and production of free radicals caused by exposure to intense ionizing radiation.

An alternative explanation of the heat wave observations can be derived from the discussions above regarding the blue glow phenomenon. A review of all of the criticality accidents with eyewitness accounts indicates that the heat waves were only observed when the fluorescent blue glow (the non-Cherenkov light, see above) was also observed. This would suggest a possible relationship between the two, and indeed, one can be readily identified. When all of the emission lines from nitrogen and oxygen are tabulated and corrected for relative yield in dense air, one finds that over 30% of the emissions are in the ultraviolet range, and about 45% are in the infrared range. Only about 25% are in the visible range. Since the skin feels infrared light directly as heat, and ultraviolet light is a cause of sunburn, it is likely that this phenomenon can explain the heat wave observations.[28]

See also

Motion pictures and television


  1. ^ a b "Criticality accidents report issued". Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). 2000-07-19. Retrieved 2011-04-01. 
  2. ^ McLaughlin et al. pages 74-75
  3. ^ McLaughlin et al. page 93, "In this excursion, three people received radiation doses in the amounts of 66, 66, and 7.4 rep.", LA Appendix A: "rep: An obsolete term for absorbed dose in human tissue, replaced by rad. Originally derived from roentgen equivalent, physical."
  4. ^ McLaughlin et al. pages 74-76, "His dose was estimated as 510 rem"
  5. ^ McLaughlin et al. pages 74-76, "The eight people in the room received doses of about 2100, 360, 250, 160, 110, 65, 47, and 37 rem."
  6. ^ Y-12’s 1958 nuclear criticality accident and increased safety
  7. ^ Criticality accident at the Y-12 plant. Diagnosis and treatment of acute radiation injury, 1961, Geneva, World Health Organization, pp. 27-48.
  8. ^ McLaughlin et al. page 96, "Radiation doses were intense, being estimated at 205, 320, 410, 415, 422, and 433 rem.74 Of the six persons present, one died shortly afterward, and the other five recovered after severe cases of radiation sickness."
  9. ^ "1958-01-01". Retrieved 2011-01-02. 
  10. ^ Vinca reactor accident, 1958, compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston
  11. ^ Nuove esplosioni a Fukushima: danni al nocciolo. Ue: “In Giappone l’apocalisse”, 14 marzo 2011
  12. ^ The Cecil Kelley Criticality Accident
  13. ^ McLaughlin et al. pages 33-34
  14. ^ Johnstone
  15. ^ Database of radiological incidents and related events—Johnston's Archive: Wood River criticality accident, 1964
  16. ^ McLaughlin et al. pages 40-43
  17. ^ McLaughlin et al. page 103
  18. ^
  19. ^ McLaughlin et al. pages 53-56
  20. ^
  21. ^
  22. ^ "Has Fukushima’s Reactor No. 1 Gone Critical?". Ecocentric - 2011-03-30. Retrieved 2011-04-01. 
  23. ^ Fukushima Workers Threatened by Heat Bursts; Sea Radiation Rises By Jonathan Tirone, Sachiko Sakamaki and Yuriy Humber Mar/31/2011
  24. ^ Neutron beam observed 13 times at crippled Fukushima nuke plant TOKYO, March 23, Kyodo News
  25. ^ Japan Plant Fuel Melted Partway Through Reactors: Report Friday, April 15, 2011
  26. ^ McLaughlin et al. page 42, "the operator saw a flash of light and felt a pulse of heat."
  27. ^ McLaughlin et al. page 88, "There was a flash, a shock, a stream of heat in our faces."
  28. ^ Minnema, "Criticality Accidents and the Blue Glow," American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, 2007.


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